To offer smooth and flexible shopping experience to the customers, the design and navigation should be made simple that makes it easy for the shoppers to find the product they are exactly looking for.
By providing custom sorting options, you can offer easy navigation and boost the shopping experience.
Default Magento 2 offers sorting options in mainly three ways based on position, price and product name. At times, people opt to make a purchase by setting a specific budget for the same.
It may happen that the customers having high standard of living may find the products by sampling from high to low prices. Whereas, a customer concerned about the budget may opt to selecting a product with the lowest rates.
To provide such a feature in Magento 2 that is convincing for both types of customers, you can add Magento 2 Sort by Price for low to high & high to low options.
For more information, you can even refer the tutorial at:
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