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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

How to Get Website ID and Store ID from Admin in Magento 2

After you have arranged multi-site or set up multistore in Magento 2, you expect to test or troubleshoot the usefulness comparable to the muti site or multi-stores prior to going live. To accelerate the cycle, you want to have the site ID and store ID.

Magento 2 stores have a few expansions that require store ID while setup. A Magento novice might invest an excess of energy to track down the site ID or store ID of a specific site or store.

Today, I have thought of the basic technique to get website ID and store ID from admin Magento 2, it would be simpler for you while troubleshooting or testing and designing Magento 2 augmentations that require ID.

For more info, visit

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