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Thursday, November 24, 2022

How to Login Customer Programmatically Without Password in Magento 2

Magento 2 permits clients to sign in from the store's frontend, and the administrator can likewise deal with clients from the backend.

Yet, imagine a scenario in which you believe your clients should sign in to the Magento 2 store utilizing just the Email ID.

The beneath arrangement permits working with    Magento 2 login customer programmatically without password.

You can utilize this login technique to show the demo store where the clients can straightforwardly sign in without recalling a secret key.

Likewise, in the event that you are fostering a login module utilizing which the client can sign in with only a tick or by just entering the Email ID, you might find this arrangement supportive.

In this multitude of situations, offering a simple login where clients can have fast admittance to the store just adds to a superior client experience and consequently helps your business!

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