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Monday, November 14, 2022

How to Redirect Customers to The Previous Page After Login in Magento

I Can't pressure sufficient on the significance of client experience for an Internet business.

These details from Superoffice are clear as crystal to show that the store traders shouldn't leave a stone unturned to further develop the client experience:

-   86% of purchasers will pay something else for an extraordinary client experience

-   73% of purchasers highlight client experience as a significant consider buying choices

-   65% of purchasers track down a positive involvement in a brand to be more persuasive than extraordinary publicizing

Fortunately, Magento offers default usefulness that is in accordance with your endeavors to work on the on location experience!

At the point when a non-signed in client is riding your site and chooses to add an item to truck or compose a survey, you might believe that the client should either enroll or login prior to making these moves. Nonetheless, on the off chance that subsequent to signing in, the client isn't diverted in total agreement to add the item to truck or to compose the survey, you might lose a transformation or a survey for your item 

The backend choices permit to  redirect customers to the previous page after login in Magento and Magento 2.  The default setting is to divert the client to "My Record" segment after login. The store traders could neglect to change this setting, significant in adding to upgrading the on location experience!

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